HAPPY EASTER to all! To celebrate the day I’m posting some religious Judeo-Christian artwork I have done through the years. The Last Supper plaque is made of all wood veneer inlay with a parkay sycamore wood floor design. The hand of Adam almost touching the hand of God is from Michangelo’s Sistine Chapel ceiling painting that I put on a rod cover design. The Cross, Chalice and Grapes is in an acoustic my Dad (Dr. Phil Petillo) and I made together. The inlay is made of mother of pearl, Tahitian grey pearl, abalone, gold pearl and a mahogany vine attached to the grapes. Messanic abalone pendent inlaid into an ebony oval, cross and crown inlaid Gibson bell rod cover, abalone olive branch first fret inlay, Peace pendent with the first and second Adam/Lion/Lamb, abalone and ebony cross headstock, Mary tone knob statue and Star of David inlaid motif on a German figured maple box!
Easter Tribute