Check out my friend Bettina Forbes’ German violin restoration! This violin has been in her family for a long time. Also, Bettina is an instructor at the Monmouth Conservatory of Music in Red Bank New Jersey. This restoration was a very cautious one. I had to measure the fingerboard angle and make sure when the neck went back into the socket it lined up correctly so the string height had the same feel as it always did. The next step is using a special glue recipe my Father (Dr. Phil Petillo) invented to hold the neck together for generations to come. When gluing the neck back I had to apply the correct amount of clamping pressure so I didn’t collapse the thin woods used on this beauty. Like all restorations in wood working of any kind you’re not supposed to know it was ever repaired. Take a look at the pics! #petillo #petilloguitars #philpetillo #phillippetillo #davepetillo #luthier #violin #violinrestoration #violinlessons #woodworking #art #monmouthconservatoryofmusic #newjersey #nj #redbanknewjersey #bettinaforbes #germanviolin
German Violin Restoration