wanted to post something Star Wars themed I made and I remembered the time I met Rick Springfield. My friend and music industry veteran Bobby Chirmside invited me and @wra_88 to the @rickspringfield show at the Count Basie theater Wednesday December 14th, 2016. I wanted to make a gift for Rick. It was hard with it being the busiest time of year for me making Christmas gifts on commission. I worked nights to finish the gift for Rick. After hearing from Bobby about Rick’s vintage Star Wars action figure collection I immediately thought of a Star Wars theme box. The box is made of Pennsylvania Cherry and German quilted wavy maple, both materials had the color of the Tatooine, the sand/dessert planet Luke Skywalker lived on. I took a piece of black phenolic and glued hand cut segmented paua abalone blanks to make a large piece of sea shell, the laminated piece was for my abstract style abalone Star Destroyer and a stamped/engraved Star Wars Storm Trooper circle motif made of sterling silver and chrome plated brass. I mixed black epoxy in the open areas to increase the depth perspective of the helmet. It was a fun night!
Rick Springfield Tribute Box